Client Success Stories

Before and After: Joan Friedlander’s New Site

When client Joan Friedlander came to us, she knew she wanted a site that was playful, energetic, and welcoming. She wanted something with polish and presence. And because she was launching a brand new business, she wasn’t comfortable making a big, one-time investment in the design. So, what we did instead was we created a professional website design that met all of her criteria and then, little by little, we rolled out the changes each month. The final site was just made live last week and I’m delighted to share the before and after with you. (Note: both images link to full size versions, so be sure to click on one or both to see them larger.)



And here’s what Joan had to say about the new site:

“I really love it. It’s unique and it’s reflective of me. Jessica is fun to work with, is patient with changes, yet also on task. She is not only artistically creative, she is also technically skilled. The site looks good *and* it has technical integrity.”

Dorie Rosenband

Dorie RosenbandWorking with Jessica has been a complete pleasure. Her unique ability to ask meaningful questions and genuinely listen to responses puts her in a rare group of people who can tap into the spirit and energy within a very specific aspect of an industry. All of that, combined with Jessica’s creativity makes her a terrific asset to any growing organization.

Dorie Rosenband, Managing Partner

Tom Kraeutler

We hired Jessica to help us figure out how monetize our list of 70,000 subscribers. We had a weekly newsletter they were enjoying, but it wasn’t driving the revenue we expected.

Fortunately, Jessica was recommended to us by Building Profits, Inc, and she was exactly what we needed. She dug in and got to work, analyzing our list, our trends, our goals, and our future potential. I knew there was a lot of potential to grow our profits with the newsletter list, but the numbers Jessica worked up of what would be possible if we introduced a new product or two really surprised me. What’s more, Jessica provided a comprehensive plan for how we can make that happen and after working with her, I can clearly see the path ahead mapped out to bringing revenues exclusively through our newsletter in the next year.

Not hiring Jessica could have been an expensive mistake, one I’m really glad we didn’t make. As we implement her recommendations, not only will the newsletter become a significant revenue stream, but we’ll also be seeing our list grow (at 70,000 subscribers, we had hit a plateau) and we’ll be getting more reader feedback. Jessica’s work on the newsletter will make it more valuable to our readers, to our sponsors, and to our business.

Thank you so much, Jessica. You really opened up our eyes to the potential we were leaving untapped, and you mapped out a proven strategy for how we can start profiting from the ezine. What’s more, throughout the process you were professional, easy to work with, and really knowledgeable. You’re clearly putting to good use your ten years of email newsletter consulting! We’ll recommend you in the future, and look forward to working with you again.

Tom Kraeutler
Nationally Syndicated Radio Host
The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show

Brad Amron

What I most appreciated about working with Jessica was how easy she made it. I knew each month she’d email me a well-written, compelling newsletter issue that would be ready to go with very few (if any) changes.

As a marketing director, I have so many responsibilities it was nice to know the newsletter was handled from start to finish without needing to be managed. That the newsletter was consistently great and got rave reviews from our customers was almost a bonus.

Thank you, Jessica, for the reliably top-notch service. I highly recommend you entrust your company newsletter to Jessica and her team.

Brad Amron, Marketing Director

Sara Holtz

Jessica has helped me create a compelling, unique monthly newsletter that my clients enjoy, that builds my credibility, and that cements my reputation as the go-to coach for women lawyers interested in becoming rainmakers.

I first hired Jessica over eight years ago and she’s helped me grow a significant readership who rely on my thought leadership to grow their practices; Jessica made sure that my monthly newsletter is a “must read” by my subscribers. She re-wrote my website copy, the result was a website that has won numerous awards, that has expedited my sales cycle and that receives rave reviews from users. Jessica was quick to learn my voice and the language of my audience.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Jessica to anyone—her strategic approach, business savvy, commitment to my success and professionalism are all top notch. I’m delighted I found her eight years ago, and am delighted to have her as a member of my marketing team today.

Sara Holtz
Founder and Principal of ClientFocus and author of “Bringin’ in the Rain: A Women Lawyer’s Guide to Business Development”

Lori Boothroyd

Thanks so much for all your attention to detail, your thoughtfulness in updating me thoroughly and for being such a delight along the way.

It’s always such a reassurance and pleasure to work with you, Jessica!

Dr. Lori Boothroyd
Mindfulness Expert

Frank Traditi

Jessica – you are 5-stars! Thanks for driving the technical issues through to completion and with such detail. You do a superb job of communicating all of the nuances and sticky stuff all along the way. I’ll recommend you to anyone!
Coach Frank Traditi

C.J. Hayden

Jessica is a delight to work with. She’s helped me create three WordPress websites. Most recently, she built a customized site for me completely from scratch.

What I love about working with her is that she is not only technically proficient and has a great eye for design, she is as meticulous as I am about getting things just right. Throughout the process of building my site, she was responsive, patient, and upbeat. The end result is exactly what I wanted. I couldn’t be more pleased.

C.J. Hayden
Author, Get Clients Now! and Get Hired Now!

Gillian Hood-Gabrielson

Thank you, Jessica, for all your help!

About a month ago I decided I needed to concentrate on growing my newsletter list. I am so glad I found Jessica. Through her consulting, I have learned the best way to change my website to attract visitors, strategies to acquire subscribers on and offline, and an easy to implement action plan.

I was especially excited to listen to Jessica’s teleclass on growing your subscriber list. It was extremely informative, packed with great ideas and strategies that work. In addition, I recommend the report, “Getting Permission.” It’s like a blueprint for newsletter creation and gaining subscribers. I expect to double my subscriber base by the end of the year!

Gillian Hood-Gabrielson,
Healthier Outcomes

Karey Shane

The fact that your approach is oriented towards developing a relationship with your readers as well as other people in your niche makes the effort of doing my own newsletter rewarding. When relationships are more important than receipts, the motivation is in the right place, and good things follow. Everything I’m learning from you has everything to do with that very principle. It feels so good to be working with someone (you!) that remembers that the “p” stands for “people” more than “profit.”

Karey Shane, Author

Dianna Huff

I’ve been working with Jessica for over two years. She has taken me from a text-based email newsletter to a custom-designed e-newsletter that generates real results for my business.

Recently she developed my new blog. In addition to the design (which is fantastic), she took care of all technical issues. I trust Jessica absolutely to give me top-notch marketing and technical advice — which I constantly put to good use. Plus, she’s fun and great a person to work with.

Dianna Huff, President
DH Communications, Inc.

David Mussared

Changing email technology and pressure from competitors was the main problem that caused us to seek a new newsletter design. The old design was working, but it looked a trifle amateurish, some aspects of it were clumsy to use, and it was running into problems with spam filters etc. We found it very difficult to find someone locally (in South Australia) who specialised in email newsletter design, who understood the need for a ‘simple but effective’ look and who could also advise us about how to avoid triggering spam filters.

I found working with you surprisingly easy, given that we are based on the other side of the world. Jessica was very quick to understand what we wanted. She clearly understood the technology and its problems, and she explained all aspects very simply. I think the best thing for me was her quick grasp of the spam and filtering issues which we face – most people simply don’t get that, and the various web technicians we work with aren’t used to working with a business like ours which is so totally dependent on email.

It was great to come across someone who actually understood these issues. Being able to look at revised versions of the design in our client area on the website made everything very easy – in our experience, revisions are the trickiest part of any design contract, and Jessica made this bit very easy.

What I like best about the final outcome is that it looks professional and user friendly, but it is not slick, glitzy or over-loaded with graphics. Our big selling point with our customers is that our business is very simple, but it works – and the email newsletter design Jessica came up with reflects this.

David Mussared,
Email Media

Lyn Chamberlin

Like the cobbler children who have no shoes, I realized that I had outgrown my brand. Here I am, being sought after as an expert in marketing and my number one piece of web real estate no longer reflected my business or who I have evolved into as a professional services provider.

In the old version, I was trying to be too many people at once, to appeal and speak to both the corporate buyer and small business owner at the same time – it simply wasn’t working. I needed to get out of my own head and put myself in the capable hands of someone who could tell me when I was off-base or who might (what a concept!) have a different idea about how to do things.

I knew it was an “all or nothing at all” undertaking, that I needed a consistent overall brand identity for these three critical pieces of collateral. Now while the three pieces – the website, the blog and the newsletter – had to look like members of the same family, they needed their own personalities in order to reflect their different purposes and applications.

Because Jessica at ThriveYourTribe had been highly recommended to me by a trusted colleague, my anxiety level was low. Also, having managed large communications team and untold numbers of outside vendors, I am fairly confident in my own sensibilities…I know what too look for; know what I’m comfortable with etc etc.

All that being said, it felt risky to hand my “baby” over to someone else—I had nurtured this for so long by myself. I find this with my own clients, as well—it is often very hard to pry their fingers loose from a home-made website or newsletter template—even if it is the ugliest thing on the planet! Also, I had a great deal at stake—I wanted something that instantly conveyed my personality—which isn’t an easy assignment for a designer—and I wasn’t sure what it would look like. I only knew that I would know it when I saw it. And, VOILA!

I delighted in getting emails from Jessica almost every day with different treatments to consider. I could have gone with any one of them—but having several to contrast and compare made the final decisions that much easier. Also, I have never worked with a designer who turns work around as quickly as you do.

Lyn Chamberlin
owner of skyePR