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Video 5

Use Your Words Video

Music by Derek K. Miller of

Honor the Ask

You have something extraordinary to offer the world
so why the hell isn’t the world beating a path to your door?
Most of us are terrified to talk about what it is we do. That’s just fact. But why is it so terrifying?

Because we’re indoctrinated. Don’t brag. Don’t show off. Don’t stand out. Don’t speak without raising a hand and getting permission first.

Frog* that.

But of course the opposite is no better–those bastards who never shut up about themselves who scream at the top of their lungs about how fan-freaking-tastic they are at everything all because they’re desperate to be known, to be seen, to be heard. Oozing naked need for approval.

There’s an in-between, though, honest. It’s in your words. Knowing them. Earning them. Using them.

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Use Your Words.]